Air expérience


Monts d’Ambazac

Période d'activité

The whole season


All levels


From 15 years old


Pierre Chaussade

you are looking for a thrill, or you want to give a gift that you will remember for the rest of your life, Air Expérience offers you the opportunity to make your wish come true.

Let yourself soar accompanied by Pierre Chaussade, French paragliding vice-champion and state diplomat. different flight sites will be offered to you according to your desires and needs.

Air Experience is a Limousine paragliding school affiliated with the French Free Flight Federation. You will undoubtedly be in good hands, kindness and education are the watchwords.


Tandem flight

Put yourself in the shoes of a bird and take flight with Pierre for 20 to 25 minutes of sensations with only the horizon as far as the eye can see, no doubt you will be amazed, it is also a beautiful gift to give to one or more of your loved ones.


Discovery weekend  2 weekends
Over 4 days, with the aim of discovering the sensations of driving, alternating between practice on school slopes and two-seaters where the controls will gradually be handed over to you.

Over 5 days, to begin pilot training, alternation between school slope, first small flights then first large flights.

Improvement 1 
Over 5 days, for those who have made their first big flight and want to continue to progress. Possible passage of the initial certificate at the end of the internship.

Improvement 2
Over 5 days, for those who are independent on a known site and want to become independent on all sites. Possible passage of the autonomous pilot certificate.

Migratory– Itinerant
Over 7 days, for those who are independent and want to deepen their knowledge and techniques. We travel to always have the best weather depending on the theme of the course. Possible passage of the confirmed pilot’s license. Andalusia, Seaside, Spanish Pyrenees…


Address : Le Bourg – 23400 Montboucher

Telephone : 06 72 75 41 72

email :

Website :

Base nautique et de plein air


  • Vol biplace : 100€

Stage :

  • Week-end découverte : 500€
  • Initiation : 600€
  • Perfectionnement 1 : 600€
  • Perfectionnement 2 : 600€
  • Migrateur : 700€ + déplacements


Your facilitator

Your facilitator

Pierre Chaussade

Hours and hours of flights under his belt which made him a vice champion of France, he passed his state certificate in the Pyrenees and flew all over France. She is a caring and passionate person at your side