Fromagerie Fontrier
Apple market gardener

Farm sales Saturday 9am-1pm and at Saveurs Fermières (Limoges). Organic farming : field-grown vegetables (carrots, turnip, lleks, potatoes, squash, pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, aubergines, lettuces, cabbage, sweetcorn, chilli pepper, parsley, beetroot, chard, rutabagas, oinons, shallots, garlic, courgettes …), apples (Golden, Smoothie, Belchard, Reine des reinettes, Saint Germaine, Rosagold with processing into apple juice sold exclusively on the farm), lamb.
Other activities offered by Choé Hubert and Hugo Bourdin : production, processing and sale of Angora goat and ewe’s wool, sale of Mohair (balls of wool, knitted items). Follow all the news on: