Moving in the Monts du Limousin

In the middle of nature

7 ideas for walks


It’s always a little difficult to motivate the youngest in the family to go on an excursion… The Monts du Limousin offers you some ideas for walks that will perhaps make your children future great explorers!

    • Vallée du Rimaury, Bessines-sur-Gartempe (1 km)
    • Sentier botanique du Viaduc de Rocherolles, Bersac-sur-Rivalier (1 km)
    • L’arboretum, La-Jonchère-Saint-Maurice (1,5 km)
    • L’Etang de Jonas, Ambazac (2,5 km)
    • L’étang de Sagnat, Bessines-sur-Gartempe (3 km)
    • Le sentier de l’ermite à Muret, Ambazac (4 km)
    • La Tourbière des Dauges, Saint-Léger-la-Montagne (2 ou 5 km)

And if your children prefer to cycle, mountain bike circuits of around ten kilometers with little elevation gain are made for them! In the heart of the Monts d’Ambazac, along the Taurion or in the Monts de Blond, you will easily find the perfect loop for your family bike outings.

Take to the skies!


Little squirrel or real Tarzan, the acrobatic park of Lake Saint-Pardoux invites you to fill up on adventure! The fun and original courses in the trees are suitable for young people (from 3 years old) and also appeal to adults. It will offer you a unique view of the lake and will be ideal for your family outings!


Everyone in the saddle!

Professionals from the Monts du Limousin equestrian centers invite you, with your tribe, to meet their horses. These enthusiasts will offer the opportunity to children, even the youngest, to discover the animal, tame it and go for a walk with it, discovering a calm and preserved environment.


Centre équestre FFE – Domaine de Muret
Le petit Muret – 87240 Ambazac
06 70 49 49 93

Centre équestre – Ferme des Highlands
La Serre – 87340 St Léger la Montagne
06 77 84 07 86 – 06 77 84 07 87

Centre équestre FFE – Cheval pot’âgé
2, les forges – 87370 Bersac sur Rivalier
05 55 34 24 66

Centre équestre – Écuries de Caux
82 route de Caux – 87510 Saint-Priest-Taurion
06 86 79 52 17

Centre équestre FFE – Haras de Valdor
Népoux – 87140 Compreignac
06 66 13 28 90

Centre équestre – Ranch Tashunka
Le Mogot – 87240 Saint-Sylvestre
06 74 52 38 59

Centre équestre FFE – Moulin d’Aiguemarde
Le Moulin d’Aiguemarde – 87640 Razès
05 55 71 28 84

Monitrice indépendante – Élodie LACROIX
Le Goutheil – 87340 La Jonchère-Saint-Maurice
06 16 91 19 43



Where older children will find a sporting practice to face their opponents through crazy stunts, children from the age of 7 will be able to have fun in the open air with their friends or family, while developing their minds teamwork, their imagination and their sense of strategy!

Even more family outings!

Tèrra Aventura

Set off to discover the riches of heritage and nature: a new generation treasure hunt, to enjoy with your family to fill up on adventures in New Aquitaine! The adventurers, equipped with their smartphones, set off in search of the 4 caches hidden in the Monts du Limousin, following in the footsteps of the Poï’z

The little mops

Every summer, young and old alike look forward to them! Les P’tites Vadrouilles are around thirty family activities offered by the Tourist Office for the greatest pleasure of all audiences, whether from here or elsewhere. Local artisans and producers will be happy to introduce their world to curious little ones!