Move in the Monts du Limousin

Our family activities

In the middle of nature

In the Limousin Mountains, there are a thousand and one activities to discover as a family, which will perhaps make your children future great explorers!

Tèrra Aventura

Think outside the box by following clues and answering puzzles on your smartphone. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine version of geocaching brings the whole family together around the same goal: discover the treasure!

ATTENTION ! There is a risk: becoming addicted…

route in </br> Nouvelle-Aquitaine

route in </br> Monts du Limousin

At the water !

An introduction to fishing, a swim in the pool, an outing to the aquapark… Throughout the year, the destination offers several activities, perfect for making you feel like a fish in water!

The little mops

Every summer, we put together a special program for you: discover local crafts, meet the producers… Local service providers will be happy to introduce curious little ones to their world!

 family monts du limousin